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Financially independent, on your own terms, like Rahul

November 7, 2024

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This is Rahul, he wants to be financially independent. He’s also the COO here at Cube Wealth. We’re telling his story because he’s been key in building Cube Wealth.  In doing so, he’s solved the issues he personally faced with investing. Perhaps you’ll recognise the similarities between of your own experiences.

This is Rahul, he wants to be financially independent. He’s also the COO here at Cube Wealth. We’re telling his story because he’s been key in building Cube Wealth.  In doing so, he’s solved the issues he personally faced with investing. Perhaps you’ll recognise the similarities between of your own experiences.

Rahul has a background in technology. He’s been an engineer, run products and business units at marketing and payments companies, and now wealth creation. He’s a blockchain and crypto enthusiast too.

His goal is to be in a position to be able to be financially independent, fund passion projects and go explore the rest of the world regularly with a few international holidays each year.

Rahul's investing history pre Cube Wealth

Rahul’s parents set up a Public Provident Fund (PPF) for him as a child that has long since matured. Rahul himself used to invest in LIC Insurance.

He also learned about investing from his college network. This led to Rahul investing in Mutual Funds and P2P lending.

“I was mis-sold insurance products as an investment and I wanted to avoid these kinds of mistakes again. Although I was an engineer early in my career, I struggled to find the time to research my own investment options while building my own career which is very fast paced in startups.

I managed to do ok with by myself and also learned about P2P from a colleague that worked in the industry. It seemed like a really cool thing to be able to help people achieve their goals by loaning them money. I liked the varied risk options available too. With guidance, I built a profitable P2P portfolio.”

The cold hard facts

Rahul recognised insurance for wealth creation is not profitable. He’s had the advantage of building up investing contacts by working in fintech. He’s also got a background as a researcher.  This dramatically shifted the investing path he was on from being mis-sold products to sitting at the forefront of technology and investing in India.

“When my friend and mentor Satyen Kothari’s Citrus Pay sold, I had advisors reach out to help me invest. There were great options but overall I was frustrated that these advisors weren’t accessible to me before. When we started Cube Wealth, we knew we had to address this. If didn’t work in fintech, I’d still be buying insurance based on bad advice. And mutual funds only when I’d had the time to research myself because this is all I had access to.”

Why this selection of investments to make Rahul financially independent?

Rahul’s portfolio is designed to meet his short and long term objective of financial freedom.

For the short term, Rahul has invested in Liquid Funds, P2P Direct to Borrower and Receivables Financing. This way he he’s earning a minimum of 2x more than his bank account interest, has more flexibility than bank fixed deposits and is diversified across 3 markets. He’s also been able to vary his risk with P2P which has also increased his earnings.

For the long term, Rahul has focused on Mutual Funds, both India and International as well as Equity Advisory.

“For my mutual funds and equity – I don’t have to do anything other than buy and sell as instructed. The advisors do everything else. I picked these because of their proven history of long term wealth creation, not just preservation. I could relate to their ethos of picking quality stocks and holding for the long term. I was impressed by the thoroughness of their research and the reach of their data.

I’ve always been an advocate of P2P thanks. The way we designed it with Cube Wealth (much like all of the other investment options) is so that the investor has to do as little as possible and we maximise the expertise of the specialist advisor. Instead of having to pick the borrowers myself, I just select the risk I’m comfortable with and the advisor allocates vetted borrowers that match the profile for me.

Similarly, with Mutual Funds, I simply select how much I want to invest in each risk category and put SuperSIPs in place. We built automated bank debits so that people can invest in 1 tap. The advisors have already done the research to select the top performing funds per category. It really is about making investing simple by leveraging experts to do all of the research and provide the convenience of automated investing.”

Why did Rahul join Cube Wealth?

“To solve my own investing pain points! Even though I had advantage from working in fintech and having Satyen Kothari as my mentor, I still needed it to be simpler to access quality investments and advisory. Especially to become financially independent. I want to see my family and friends do well too – without spending my weekends teaching them how to invest.

We started Cube started as a niche bill payments and expense service. We knew something was missing so we talked as a team about money management and investing. Despite the diversity in the team, we all had the same problem. We didn’t know who to trust for investing advice, it was time consuming and complex to know exactly where your investments were at on demand. We decided to address this and launched Cube Wealth as it is today on 1st June 2018

We’re helping people create financial freedom and be part of India’s  phenomenal growth story.”


1. You don’t have to work in fintech to be a successful investor with a diversified portfolio.

2. You can invest simply in different markets for short and long term wealth creation to meet your specific goals.

3. Let us help you save time and stress while getting better returns. Cube Wealth is built by real people, just like you, that have removed the challenges to investing.

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