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Expert Opinion

WIN at investing with our MAP philosophy

We’re asked all the time ‘What exactly is Cube?’ Let’s go into a little more detail on each one to explain how our simple philosophy is so effective.
November 7, 2024

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We’re asked all the time ‘What exactly is Cube?’ Cube Wealth is the long overdue solution to the hideous experience most endure when it comes to wealth creation. Forget multiple meetings, bad chai at the banks or hedging your fortunes on your neighbours recommendations. Cube Wealth provides you access to superb advisors and modern asset classes that get market leading results. It’s the all-in-one simple app where you are in control to act on personalised recommendations. Custom made for urban professionals in India and NRIs. Wealth creation has never been simpler using our MAP philosophy.

Modern Assets

Advisors that are superb

Personalised service

Let’s go into a little more detail on each one to explain how our simple philosophy is so effective.

What are modern assets?

Any investment that performs in todays world. We source investment options with market leading performance to address the short term and long term needs of our investors. Then, we test these investments with our own money before we provide them as an option for our members. And your personal banker? We highly doubt your personal banker/relationship/wealth manager takes such a risk with their personal funds before providing a recommendation to you. We also continuously monitor our curated assets to ensure there is diversification across markets, risk level and liquidity for investor safety. A key element required to win at investing.

Investments that performed well for your parents may not be optimal in todays world.

Short term investments of 1-3 years, we offer 4 asset classes that range in low to high risk with returns ranging 7-28%, liquidity from instant to 3 days or monthly payments. That’s an incredible amount of flexibility and choice that has been carefully curated, researched and personally tested by Cube employees. Most investors aren’t aware of new debt products that act like a fixed income asset. You can’t access them without Cube Wealth either. Why would you keep losing money on your parked cash by leaving it in your bank account only earning 3-6%?

Market volatility means no guarantee but the uncapped growth opportunity cannot be denied. Risk is significantly reduced when you are guided by the right advisor. For example, our equity advisor has a 44% annual average CAGR over the last decade. Quality is the key to success, a perfect segway to address the A in MAP.

Advisors that are superb

The best in their specialty area of advisory. Researched with historical performance to demonstrate market leading returns. But performance alone isn’t enough.

  • Values must also be aligned with Cube Wealth.
  • They must put the customers needs first.
  • They don’t practice mis-selling and they work hard to get the best outcome for investors. E.g. they could sell you an investment product but won’t if it’s not in your best interest.

Again, the same cannot be said for all wealth managers that have sales targets to meet. Their version of 'win at investing' is vastly different to ours.

Some of our advisors have created new investment options. They don’t have years of data behind them yet. In this instance, we research the founders of the company to assess credibility and experience as well as their business model to validate risk and sustainability. We check who has financially backed their start up too. We test their investment product with at least one of us at Cube making a personal investment and we monitor their performance at company level. When we are satisfied, we bring them into Cube Wealth. These investments are difficult to find outside of Cube.

Closing out with the P in MAP. Personalised service. If you’re checking out Cube, you can chat in real time to a real person in app. No robots. You can also schedule a call to get help with your questions and we call. We answer your questions and help you through every step of the way. For us, it’s always user preference driven as some like to invest without human intervention and others like to talk to someone.

P for Personalised Service

If you’re checking out Cube, you can chat in real time to a real person in app. No robots. You can also schedule a call to get help with your questions and we call. We answer your questions and help you through every step of the way. For us, it’s always user preference driven as some like to invest without human intervention and others like to talk to someone.

The Cube Wealth team in action testing products and helping members with queries

Once you start investing and become a Cube Wealth Member, you get a personal WhatsApp group that has at least 5 Cube employees on it from the Founder, the COO, sales, marketing and engineering. Our Members get to ask us anything about Cube at any time without having to raise a ticket or wait in a queue. Calls can be scheduled at our Member’s convenience. We do our best for our NRI members in other time zones to be accommodating. You’ll speak to the same person each time too. Unheard of in the modern world of servicing these days but we treat our Members the way we want to be treated when handling our own personal investments.

We also run meet-ups for our community of Members. We introduce our Members directly to the Cube Advisors and Partners. We love providing this opportunity and our Members love the transparency (and a fun night out). Our Members get to tell us what they love and what they want us to change for them. They get to meet the people that have been trusted to manage their investment outcomes. They get to meet other Cube Members and network. There’s usually beer and pizza too :) For our NRI members located around the globe we hold webinars so that we make sure we give them the same amount of love.

Cube Community

We run meet-ups for our community of Members. We introduce our Members directly to the Cube Advisors and Partners. We love providing this opportunity and our Members love the transparency (and a fun night out). Our Members get to tell us what they love and what they want us to change for them. They get to meet the people that have been trusted to manage their investment outcomes. They get to meet other Cube Members and network. There’s usually beer and pizza too :) For our NRI Members located around the globe we hold webinars so that we make sure we give them the same amount of love.

One of our Cube Wealth Member Meetups


It is completely unnecessary for you to struggle with wealth creation. You can win at investing. Now, you have the opportunity now to take full advantage of our simple MAP philosophy where all of the hard work is done for you.

Take the next step now and join Cube Wealth.

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